The Dragonfather Toruk is hunting down its offspring, in order to do so he took over the Scharde Islands and created the Cryxians: an army of undeads and necromancers devoted to finding and killing the other dragons. That they invade human kingdoms and slaughter innocents is no concern to their godly master.
Iron Lich Asphyxious Cryx Warcaster
Cryx Warcaster Iron Lich...
Asphyxious the Hellbringer and Vociferon Cryx Epic Warcaster and Character Solo
Cryx Epic Warcaster Asphyxious and...
Goreshade the Bastard and Deathwalker Cryx Warcaster and Character Solo
Cryx Epic Warcaster Goreshade and...
Goreshade the Cursed Cryx Epic Warcaster
Cryx Epic Warcaster Goreshade the...
Goreshade Lord of Ruin Cryx Epic Cavalry Warcaster
Cryx Epic Cavalry Warcaster Goreshade...
Iron Lich Asphyxious (Classic) Cryx Warcaster
Cryx Warcaster Iron Lich Asphyxious...
Lich Lord Asphyxious Cryx Epic Warcaster
Cryx Epic Warcaster Lich Lord...
Lich Lord Terminus Cryx Warcaster
Cryx Warcaster Lich Lord...
Lich Lord Venethrax Cryx Warcaster
Cryx Warcaster Lich Lord...
Lord Exhumator Scaverous Cryx Warcaster
Cryx Warcaster Lord Exhumator...
Master Necrotech Mortenebra and Deryliss Cryx Warcaster and Skarlock Thrall Character Solo
Cryx Warcaster Master Necrotech...
Pirate Queen Skarre Cryx Warcaster
Cryx Warcaster Pirate Queen...
Pirate Queen Skarre (Classic) Cryx Warcaster
Cryx Warcaster Pirate Queen Skarre...
Skarre Queen of the Broken Coast Cryx Epic Satyxis Warcaster
Cryx Epic Satyxis Warcaster Skarre...
Warwitch Deneghra (Variant) Cryx Warcaster
Cryx Warcaster War Witch Deneghra...
Witch Coven of Garlghast and Egregore Cryx Warcasters and Character Solo
Cryx Warcaster Unit Witch Coven of...
Wraith Witch Deneghra Cryx Epic Warcaster
Cryx Epic Warcaster Wraith Witch...
Cankerworm Cryx Character Bonejack
Cryx Character Bonejack...
Corruptor Cryx Helljack
Cryx Helljack Plastic Kit Allowing you...
Deathripper Cryx Bonejacks
Cryx Bonejack Kit Allowing you to build...