With the highest amount of TAGs (remotely controlled heavy-armored combat armors), lots heavy infantry and the highest technology, PanOceania is the leading force in the human sphere.
Corvus Belli
Military Order Father-Knight (Spitfire)
Blister with 1 miniature 1x...
Seraphs, Military Order Armored Cavalry
Blister with 1 miniature 1x Seraph...
Svalarheima Nisses (HMG)
Blister with 1 miniature 1x Nisse (HMG)
Croc Men (MULTI Sniper Rifle)
Blister with 1 miniature 1x Croc Man...
Aquila Guard (HMG)
Blister with 1 miniature 1x Aquila...
Akalis Sikh Commandos (Spitfire)
Blister with 1 miniature 1x Akal...
PanOceania Starter Pack
Box with 6 miniatures 3x Fusilier...
Box with 1 miniature 1x Squalo...
Box with 4 miniatures 1x Fusilier...
Knights of Santiago
Box with 4 miniatures: 1x Knight of...
Neoterra Bolts
Box with 4 miniatures: 1x Bolt...
Neoterran Capitaline Army Sectorial Starter Pack
Box with 6 miniatures: 3x Bolt (Combi...
Lieutenant Stephen Rao, Bagh-Mari Unit
Blister with 1 miniature 1x Lieutenant...
Kirpal Sighn, Akalis Sergeant
Blister with 1 miniature 1x Singh...
PanOceanian Support Pack
Box with 4 miniatures 1x Machinist...
Crusader Brethren (HMG)
Blister with 1 miniature 1x Crusader...
Knight Hospitaller (HMG)
Blister with 1 miniature 1x Knight...
Crusader Brethren (Combi Rifle)
Blister with 1 miniature 1x Crusader...
Knight of the Holy Sepulchre (Spitfire)
Blister with 1 miniature: 1x Knight of...
Box with 2 miniatures 1x Mulebot...